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overview of localized prostate cancer

Overview of Localized Prostate Cancer

In the following blog, we will have an overview of localized prostate cancer.

A report of prostate cancer is usually a shock to men and their near ones. Along with worrying, the good news about prostate cancer is that it is a curable type of cancer. It often grows slowly, and the treatment for it usually effective.

In the case of Localized prostate cancer, it has only affected the prostate and hasn’t spread yet to the lymph nodes or formed any tumors in the body.

Symptoms of Localized Prostate Cancer:

They are no such symptoms for localized prostate cancer. It becomes noticeable after reaching an advanced stage causing symptoms like the urge to urinate or weak urine flow.

In many cases, urination problems aren’t caused by cancer, but they can be due to benign enlarged prostate. In rare cases, blood in urine or semen in urine is also said to be a symptom/ sign of prostate cancer. It is commonly seen in men age over 50.

Causes and risk factors:

The cause of prostate cancer is still unknown. Following are some factor that can increase the risk of prostate cancer:

1) Age: Age is the biggest risk factor in prostate cancer patients.

2) Close relatives: They are certain times that a person can be genetically prone to develop prostate cancer.

3) Ethnicity: Black men are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

4) Vitamin E: In dietary supplements, the overuse of Vitamin E is proven to increase the risk of prostate cancer if taken for a long time.

Let’s read the effect of tumor stage and aggressiveness on the likelihood of death

All men who have prostate cancer (localized and advanced).

Type of cancer Number of men who will be affected seriously by prostate cancer in the coming few years
All men who have prostate cancer (localized and advanced)


Men who have localized prostate cancer 3%
Men who have localized prostate cancer with low aggressiveness (low-risk prostate cancer) Less than 1%


This is an overview of localized prostate cancer, to know more about it connect with Dr. Mangesh Patil.